Company Profile

company profile

We strive to generate superior returns by making informed investments, effectively managing risk, and ensuring long-term value creation for our stakeholders.
To be a trusted and innovative investment management company, focused on achieving sustainable growth through strategic portfolio diversification.
CORE Values
  • Ethics and Integrity
  • Respect for Our People
  • Health, Safety and Environment Stewardship
  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Shareholder Value Creation
PRINCIPLE BUSINESS (Object Clause of Memorandum)
To carry on in Pakistan or elsewhere the business of general trading, investments (in including but not limited to its subsidiaries and/or associated companies), and to lend and advance money or give credit to any person or company (including its subsidiaries and affiliates), issue corporate guarantees in favour of associated companies or subsidiaries or create any mortgage, hypothecation or floating charge or lien on all or any of the assets and properties of the Company for the purposes of securing obligations of any person including its associated companies or subsidiaries, to invest any of the moneys and funds of the Company from time to time in government securities or in securities guaranteed by any government or in debentures or other securities guaranteed by any government or in debentures or other securities for money issued by or on behalf of any municipal body or of any corporate body or in any shares or securities of any company (including any associate company(ies), subsidiaries or undertaking with whom this company has relationship or assistance), and to enter into any partnerships or into any arrangement to acquire majority or minority equity stake or management control of any company doing any business or trade which is (a) compatible with the objectives of the Company; or (b) related to alternative/renewable energy.
Company Status

Public Interest Company

Associated Companies
Dawood Corporation (Pvt.) Limited
Cyan Limited
Sach International (Pvt.) Limited
Dawood Investments (Pvt.) Limited
Tenaga Generasi Limited (
Reon Alpha (Private) Limited
Mozart (Private) Limited
Abrax (Private) Limited
Greengo (Private) Limited
Registered Office
Dawood Centre, M.T. Khan Road, Karachi-75530
Tel: (92-21) 35632200-9
Fax: (92-21) 35633970
E-mail: [email protected]

Lahore Office
Office No. SO-1&2 2nd Floor Colabs Building 50-N,
Gurumangat Road Gulberg II Lahore
Tel.: 042-35751287-88
Content Listمواد کی فہرستDownloadڈاؤن لوڈ
HSE Policyایچ ایس ای پالیسیHSE PolicyHSE Policy
Policy for Determining the Remuneration of Board Appointeesبورڈ کے تقرریوں کے معاوضے کے تعین کے لیے پالیسیPolicy for Determining the Remuneration of Board AppointeesPolicy for Determining the Remuneration of Board Appointees
Governance, Risk Management and Compliance Policyگورننس، رسک مینجمنٹ اور کمپلائنس پالیسیGovernance, Risk Management and Compliance PolicyGovernance, Risk Management and Compliance Policy
Code of Conductضابطہ اخلاقCode_of_ConductCode_of_Conduct
Gender Diversity Policyصنفی تنوع کی پالیسیGender_Diversity_PolicyGender_Diversity_Policy
Protection against Harassment at the Workplaceکام کی جگہ پر ہراساں کرنے کے خلاف تحفظProtection against Harassment at the WorkplaceProtection against Harassment at the Workplace
Company Registration No: 0000441
National Tax No: 0698613-7